The city of Denpasar, as the center of economic and cultural activities in Bali, has experienced an increase in the use of digital technology, including e-money, in daily transactions. E-money offers convenience and speed in payments, which can increase the frequency and number of consumptive transactions. Female employees, like other demographic groups, are vulnerable to consumptive behavior. Factors such as advertising, social pressure, and a desire to show social status can drive them to make impulsive or unplanned purchases. This study aims to analyze the variables that affect the consumptive behavior of female employees in the city of Denpasar. The character of female employees who are impulsive in shopping and poor financial planning must be given an immediate solution. This study analyzes the role of self-control moderation on the influence of e-money payment on the consumptive behavior of female employees in Denpasar. Descriptive measurements and analysis were carried out to obtain an image or portrait of the respondent. The results of the descriptive measurement are then used as a basis for conducting statistical analysis. Data was collected through a questionnaire instrument (Likert Scale) that has been tested for validity and reliability. Meanwhile, the sample was determined as many as 70 people by incidental sampling technique. Furthermore, the collected data was analyzed using the Partial Least Square analysis technique.The results showed that E-money payment had a positive and significant effect on the consumptive behavior of female employees in Denpasar, Self-control had a negative and significant effect on the consumptive behavior of female employees in Denpasar, Self-control was able to moderate the influence of E-money payment significantly on consumptive behavior of female employees in Denpasar This can be reflected that self-control can weaken the consumptive behavior of female employees in Denpasar.
E-money, Lifestyle, Self Control, consumptive behavior, female employees
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