Exploring Student Academic Achievement and Motivation through Game-Based Learning on Interactive Whiteboards

Lu Lin
Department of Public Finance and Taxation, Takming University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijirme.2024.v3i11n05


This study investigates the effectiveness of integrating Wordwall.net games with interactive whiteboards to enhance student motivation and academic achievement in a 10-week financial instruments course. The primary research questions focus on how this combination impacts students' learning motivation and performance. Utilizing a single-group pretest-posttest experimental design, the research involved 33 undergraduate students who completed assessments, including the Financial Instruments Quiz and the Learning Motivation Scale, which encompasses five dimensions: intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value, control beliefs, and self-efficacy. The results revealed a statistically significant increase of 31 points in quiz scores from pre- to post-test, with 97% of participants achieving passing grades after the intervention. Additionally, motivation measures demonstrated considerable gains across all five dimensions. Qualitative feedback highlighted that the interactive game-based format promoted enjoyment, facilitated social collaboration, and increased engagement with digital content. The findings provide empirical evidence that combining Wordwall.net with interactive whiteboards can significantly improve student motivation and understanding of complex concepts. These results suggest that educators should consider this integration to create a more engaging learning environment. Future research is recommended to explore long-term effects and identify specific features of Wordwall.net that enhance learning outcomes when used with interactive whiteboards.


game-based learning, interactive whiteboard, Wordwall.net, learning motivation, academic achievement


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