This study investigated the mediating role of perceived pedagogical content knowledge of teachers on the relationship between students' experiences in modular learning and their motivation to succeed academically. The study was conducted using a quantitative study design with 300 junior and senior high school students selected using stratified sampling technique in the Island Garden City of Samal. Data was gathered using three sets of modified standardized survey questionnaires. Tests on the content validity and reliability of these instruments were conducted. The Mean, Pearson r Correlation Coefficient, and Path Analysis were used to analyze the data. The findings demonstrated high levels of motivation to achieve academically, very high level of pedagogical content knowledge, and high level of modular learning experience. The association between students' experience in modular learning and motivation to achieve academically, motivation to achieve academically and pedagogical content knowledge and students' experience in modular learning and pedagogical content knowledge were all statistically significant. Additionally, the current study demonstrated a partial mediation of pedagogical content knowledge on the relationship between students' experience in modular learning and motivation to achieve academically.
education, pedagogical content knowledge content, modular learning of students, academic motivation, Mediation, Philippines
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