Data on the top 10 diseases in outpatients at the Health Center in 2023 shows that Hypertension is in the highest position with a figure of 24.69% and Diabetes Mellitus is in the 5th position with a figure of 7.17%. To overcome this, the role of the community needs to be increased in promotive and preventive efforts for risk factors for non-communicable diseases so that the community knows, is willing and able to prevent and control risk factors for non-communicable diseases. One effort to increase community participation, especially in the institutional environment in this case Akper Justitia Palu, is through training. The objectives of this community service activity are: 1) Formation of Agents of Change (AoC) for Non-Communicable Diseases (PTM) Akper Justitia Palu; 2) There is an evaluation of the results of the Agent of Change training; 3) There are health check-up activities for early detection of risk factors for non-communicable diseases in the Akper Justitia Palu environment. To support the formation of Agents of Change (AoC) for Non-Communicable Diseases, several materials are needed, including: hand scoen, hand sanitizer, random blood sugar check sticks (GDS), sugar checkers (glucometers), lancets, trash boxes, and others. Meanwhile, the method of implementing community service is carried out through training and testing the results of the training. The results of the community service show: 1) There are 10 (ten) Agents of Change (AoC) for Non-Communicable Diseases (PTM) Akper Justitia Palu, who are expected to be able to change the behavior of students on the Akper Justitia Palu campus to be healthier; 2) The skill that has not been done the most by AoC students (value 0) is "conveying the meaning of the examination results" (30%), followed by "not using gloves" (20%). The imperfect skills performed by students were mostly in “holding and fixing fingers” (40%) and “changing lancet needles” (40%); 3) All students of Akper Justitia Palu (40 students) who were checked for random blood sugar (GDS) had normal random blood sugar levels. Conclusion: The formation of Agent of Change (AoC) for Non-Communicable Diseases can be done through training and direct trials of the training results. Support from the Akper Justitia Palu campus and the Palu City Health Office is needed for the continuity of the Agent of Change (AoC) activities of Akper Justitia Palu Students.
Agent of Change (AoC), Non-Communicable Diseases (PTM), Diabetes Mellitus (DM).
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