Blended Learning to Enhance Productive Skills

1Roinah, 2Ika Kurnia Sofiani, 3Triana Susanti, 4Titin Sumarni, 5Mahsuri
1,2,3,4,5STAIN Bengkalis


Blended learning, an educational strategy that blends traditional face-to-face teaching with online learning components, provides a dynamic way to improve productive skills like speaking and writing. This hybrid model takes advantage of the qualities of both in-person interactions and digital resources, allowing students to benefit from the rapid feedback and personal engagement of classroom settings while having access to various flexible online tools. Blended learning promotes more personalized and effective communication skill development by incorporating interactive digital platforms, virtual practice opportunities, and automated feedback mechanisms. This technique fits various learning styles and paces and gives a more comprehensive, adaptable educational experience. Finally, blended learning fosters enhanced mastery of productive skills, giving learners the confidence and aptitude to communicate in varied circumstances successfully.


blended learning, online, offline, speaking skill, writing skill


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