Strengthening The Independence of The King Saguna Jaya Sea Shell Artisan Group in Increasing Production Towards Export Markets in Serangan Village, South Denpasar District

1*I Made Wianto Putra, 2AA Media Martadiani, 3*Made Setini
1,2,3Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Indonesia


Especially handicrafts in Bali Province are experiencing very rapid development. The developments in question include dynamic forms, interests and production. Crafts from the island of the gods have a uniqueness in the form that can be seen from their very diverse types and reflect the culture and society of the island of Bali. In addition, the handicraft industry on the island of Bali is not only produced by established businesses, but also household-scale craftsmen who produce products with excellent quality. Along with the development of social media, resulting in the increasing popularity of Balinese craftsmen, this triggered an increase in handicraft orders from all over the world. One of the unique things is handicrafts in the form of handicrafts made from sea shells produced by craftsmen in Serangan Village There are several sea shell craft business groups in the Serangan area, one of which is a self-help business group initiated by I Made Kanan Jaya under the name King Saguna. The King Saguna group is a target group for PKM activities consisting of 13 shellfish artisans. This craft utilizes seashells including shell powder to become a craft that is worth selling. The raw materials for making them use local materials by buying from the public or fishermen. Not only environmentally friendly, but it can also help the economy of the surrounding community.Based on the results of observations of shellfish artisan partners, there are several problems that hinder partners in developing their businesses, including a lack of understanding of production input and output management , very limited production support facilities, lack of understanding to export, where craftsmen are constrained by information and access to start the export process; and lack of understanding of adequate bookkeeping. The purpose of the implementation of this partnership program is to support the increase in production and increase interest towards the export market., artisan groups are starting to be able to prepare the necessary documents for the prerequisites for permission to ship abroad if at any time is needed as well as study market trends through social media.There are three activities carried out in the community partnership program, namely mentoring and training for independent management of production inputs and outputs, and socialization of procedures for exporting. Counseling and training on bookkeeping The results of the program implementation show that after mentoring and socialization activities, partners are able to carry out financial recording to be more structured, thereby reducing errors during the financial recording process, increasing understanding of business management from the production side, as well as the desire to increase sales towards the international/export market .


sea shell crafts, production management, export market, bookkeeping


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