Analysis of the Structure of the Pork Trade Market in the Traditional Market in Manggarai Area, East Nusa Tenggara Province

1*Hendrikus Demon Tukan, 2Nautus Stivano Dalle, 3Elisabeth Yulia Nugraha
1,2,3Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Catholic University of Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng, Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 10 Tel. (0380) 22303, Ruteng-Indonesia


This research was conducted based on the consideration that meat is a commodity that is always needed by the community to meet their nutritional needs. This study aims to determine the influence between pork price variables and determine the market structure of the traditional pork trade industry in Manggarai district. This research took place from January to March 2024 at the Inpres Market and Puni Market. This study was quantitative descriptive and interviewed 49 respondents and continued with elasticity tests, market share, Herfindahl-Hirsrchman Index and Relative Deviation Intercepts. The results of the study show that the structure of the pork trade market in the traditional market of Ruteng City, Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province is included in the monopolistic competition market. Every pork trading business in Ruteng City produces similar goods but has differences in several aspects, namely service, performance and other factors. The policy taken by pork traders in the traditional market of Ruteng City is a non-price policy. These non-price policies include promotion policies, product policies, service policies and family policies. The results of the research on the estimation of the structure of the pork trade market can be concluded that the structure of the pork trade market is classified as a monopolistic competition market because every pork trading business in the city produces similar goods but has differences in several aspects, namely service, performance and other factors.


Market Structure, Pork, Elasticity


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