Implementation of Smart City Policy (Case Study in Klaten District)

1Kurnia Sari dewi, 2Paiman Raharjo, 3Panji Sukmana, 4T. Herry Rachmatsyah,5Bambang Sudaryana
1,2,3,4,5Public Administration Programe, Dr. Moestopo Beragama University Jakarta


The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of E-Government, Masterplan Smart City, and the Smart City Program for public services in Klaten Regency. The research was carried out according to mixed quantitative research methods with qualitative research (Mixed quantitative and qualitative research methods). The population and sample selected in this study are the State Civil Apparatus and Stakeholders who are involved in the research variable activities that have been determined. The total population is 138 people and the sample after going through calculations using the Yamane and Isaac & Michael formulas is obtained by 104 people. The results showed that there were changes in the implementation of E-Government, the Smart City Masterplan, the Smar City Program and Public Services, in Klaten Regency as the impact of the implementation of e-government in Klaten Regency and there were desired and unwanted impacts, both positive and negative, from the implementation of e-Government. government in Klaten Regency


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