Chatbots in the Service Sector: A Successful Customer Experience

1Doctor in Management Science, University Hassan II, Morocco
2Doctor in Management Science, FSJEAS, Laboratory LARNED, Morocco


The conversational approach adopted by chatbots reflects the current trend towards transparent, efficient communication. Users are more inclined to use a service that understands their language, reacts quickly and adapts to their conversational style. This can help build trust and loyalty among users, who perceive the service as friendlier and more accommodating. This article aims to deepen the understanding and importance of chatbots' conversational approach to service. A review of this research highlights the relevance of a conversational approach in this field, particularly when applied to customer service chatbots, improving user experience and motivation through the creation of more natural, responsive and personalized interactions.


Conversational approach, Chatbots, services, experiences, motivations, customers.


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