The Added Value Analysis of The Tofu Agro-Industry Business and Its Impact on The Welfare of Workers In Masbagik District

1Tajidan Tajidan, 2Edy Fernandez, 3Efendy, 4Sharfina Nabilah, 5Sri Mulyawati, 6M. Alfi Rohman
1,2,3,4,5Lecturers of Agribusiness Study Program, Agricultural Faculty, Mataram University
6Student of Agribusiness Study Program, Agricultural Faculty, Mataram University


The study was motivated by the desire to develop the added value analysis function from an evaluation function to a design function in an effort to improve the welfare of workers in the tofu agro-industry business unit. The added value design function can be utilized for various types of agro-industry, so that it will enrich the knowledge of researchers and practitioners. The goal to be achieved is to analyze added value and its impact on the level of welfare of workers in the tofu agro-industry using the minimum wage for West Nusa Tenggara province in 2023. To achieve this goal, research was conducted on 40 tofu agro-industry business units in Masbagik District, East Lombok Regency. Data obtained from survey, observations and interviews were tabulated and calculated using the Excel application. The analysis results show that the added value obtained is IDR 181,543/production process. Of this amount received as labor income is IDR 39,818/person per working day from the provincial minimum wage standard of IDR 91,208/person/working day. Because labor income is less than the provincial minimum wage standard, the workforce working in the tofu agro-industry business unit in Masbagik District is classified as not yet prosperous. Low labor income is caused by the amount of labor absorbed being more than twice the labor requirement. The solution is to rationalize the use of labor to one person for every 50 kg of soybean raw materials.


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