E-Government Policy Models in Handling Poverty Problems in The Hopeful Family Program (Case Study: Bandung Regency West.)

1Disson Muhammad Fauzi, 2Budiharjo, 3Diana Nur Fatimah, 4Bambang Sudaryana
1,2,3,4Public Administration Programe, Dr. Moestopo Beragama University Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijirme.2024.v3i1n10


This study aims to describe the implementation of e-government with explains the quality of information on the West Bandung Regency Government website. The quality of information on e-government websites has an important role because it will have a broad impact on society. Information submitted by official government channels will be considered valid by the public, so that if the information submitted is incorrect it will result in reduced public trust in the government. Based on the results of observations on website content, the implementation of e-government in West Bandung Regency can be categorized in the presence (informative) stage towards the interactive stage. As stated by Baum & Maio (2000), this stage indicates that the Bendung Barat website is still limited to providing static information, and has not provided space for the public to interact online with government elements. The results of this study conclude that in general the quality of information on the West Bandung Regency Government website is quite good. Weaknesses that can reduce the value of the quality of information exist in the dimensions of the completeness of the information, namely the existence of several links that lead to blank pages. The recommendation given from the results of this study is to increase improvement efforts so that all menus and links contained on the website can be completed with relevant information, so that users can obtain complete and accurate information. This study describes empirical phenomena related to the quality of information using 5 (five) dimensions of measurement. For researchers who wish to continue this research, they can expand the area of study by measuring using a wider dimension of information quality


Information quality, Website, government, communication technology


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