Aisyiyah is a women's organization that contributes to various fields/assemblies, including education, tabligh, health, social, law and human rights, environment, economics, etc. It has been explained in the history and maps of the women's movement in Indonesia, 'Aisyiyah occupies a very exclusive position. This research is a qualitative method and case study approach. The case study method is a form of research that focuses on examining the background, interactions and conditions of a particular community. Values of women's moral education found in 'Aisyiyah, the first is role of women in the family especially as a wife and mother because in Islam a mother is the first educator for a child. Second, women's position in the public must be based on moral education, so that every activity they carry out is always positive. Third is opportunities for women in education are a preventive step so that women can increase their potential, but this must be balanced with moral education, one of which is so that women have wise character. And the fourth women in fashion, Islam has a great attention to women. Modern women have made fashion an effort to implement religious values.
women, education, morality, value
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