Application of Notarial Deed in E-Commerce Transaction

1Budya Prabujangga,2Hari Purwadi
1Master Student of Kenotariatan, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta
2Lecturer at Faculty of Law, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta


The development of times and technology in the digitalization era is currently happening so rapidly, especially developments in the digital world. The development of technology has a significant impact on various aspects of human life. One of the aspects affected is in the legal field, especially in the field of Cyber notary. One of the options for service facilities related to information development is electronic transactions. Along with technological advances, there are still those who do not know and fully understand the notary profession in conducting electronic transactions. The need to adjust to the dynamics of society regarding the application of electronic notaries (e-Notary) in conducting electronic transactions (e-Commerce). Starting from this, the question arises: How does a notary implement an electronic agreement?. This research was conducted using normative legal research methods that are descriptive analytical in nature. The research data sources collected and used are reviewing and analyzing secondary data by understanding the law as a device or positive norms in the legislative system that regulates the norms of human life. Data collection techniques with steps to research, review and systematically process existing library materials based on law as norms or regulations in the legislative system that regulate human behavior and life. as well as related documents. The data analysis technique used is library research which is presented descriptively. Based on this research, the role of Notary in implementing the agreement is actually carried out in line with the authority given. Notary authority is the power granted by law to Notaries to make authentic deeds and other powers in accordance with Article 15 of the Notary Office Law, which concerns two things, namely certification (Certification Authority) and authentication (Registration Authority) in electronic transactions. The regulation can be reviewed from the ITE Law (Electronic Transaction Information Law) as a legal standing for the application of e-Notary in conducting electronic transactions.


Technology, e-Notary, Cyber Notary, e-Commerce


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