The child-friendly literacy movement is a movement that must be implemented by all educational units. Components of child-friendly schools include: 1) SRA Policy; 2) Educators and education personnel trained on child rights; 3) Implementation of a child-friendly learning process with the application of non-violent discipline; 4) Facilities and infrastructure that are child friendly do not endanger children, and prevent children from getting hurt; 5) Child participation; 6) Participation of parents, community organizations, business world, other stakeholders, and alumni. Through the child-friendly literacy movement, it is hoped that students will be comfortable at school. Because the school is a place for studying knowledge, but if the school is not able to make children excited, it is necessary to evaluate the things that are lacking. The characteristics of this type of child-friendly school are being fair to students, comfortable learning methods, to a comfortable and beautiful school and classroom environment. Friendly schools build a new paradigm in educating and teaching students to create a new generation without violence, fostering adult concern and fulfilling rights and protecting children from things that harm their future.
Movement, 2; Literacy 3; School, 4; Friendly and 5; child
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