Tourism Products Based on Tourist Interest Comments on Social Media at Ujung suso Beach East luwu District, South Sulawesi Province

University of Muhammadiyah Palopo


This research discusses the development of tourism products on a beach tourist attraction based on comments on social media. This research is based on explanatory using interview guidelines for key informants and the base in the school holiday season in 2023. Data were analyzed using content analysis on social media Instagram and Facebook on Ujung Suso Beach. At least based on the views of visitors who emphasize that Ujung Suso Beach tends to be safe because the beach is flat and the waves are not large, the beach atmosphere is comfortable because there are many facilities for relaxing and there are many trees on the beach. With these considerations, tourism products were developed that prioritized positive responses from visitors. Tourism products developed such as beach-based tourist attractions such as the provision of banana boats, sea tours and the development of local culinary specialties made from seafood. The research confirms that visitors are eager to enjoy the beach atmosphere and more diverse tourism activities.


Product, social media, attraction, interest


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