Procrastination is mainly defined by cognitive factors and significantly affects the performance of students with specific learning difficulties [SpLDs]. The individual method of study seems to be influenced by other factors, such as cognitive- emotional abilities and learning motivation. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between procrastination and the individual method of study, with emphasis on the comprehension of academic texts using the pedagogical tool. The use is according with the principles of Targeted Individual Structured Differentiated integration program for teaching students with specific learning difficulties [TISDPfSpLDs]. The participants N=411 undergraduate students come from the departments of the School of Humanities and Cultural Studies of the University of Peloponnese [Kalamata] and from the departments of the Agricultural University of Athens [AUA]. The results showed that procrastination is part of the reading behaviors in reading comprehension with which students’ [SpLDs] are familiar in their individual study method. The conclusions highlight the beneficial effects of training on metacognitive skills using the TISDPfSpLDs, because they help control emotional and academic procrastination.
Procrastination, individual study method, specific learning difficulties [SpLDs], students
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