Challenges and Obstacles in Implementation of State Defense in University

1Syan Rosyid Adiwinata, 2Dita Indra Febryanti, 3Respati Prajna Vasthi
1,2,3Industrial Electronics Study Program, Department of Electrical Engineering, Jakarta State Polytechnic


Based on The Fund for Place's survey regarding the global vulnerability index, data shows that Indonesia is currently ranked 99th out of 178 countries in the world. In this case, Indonesia will receive a warning as its predicate, and one day it may enter a high warning level. Indonesia's lower position in the global vulnerability index is none other than the result of the low participation of the younger generation in implementing state defense. This study aims to identify, process, and analyze data empirically regarding the challenges and obstacles to defending the state in higher education along with recommendations for solutions. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method, because this research will describe the current situation systematically and factually with the aim of analyzing data by describing or describing the data that has been collected as a solution to the research problem.


State Defense, Barriers, Implementation, Challenges


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