This article explores the thoughts of Gus Dur, a prominent Indonesian leader, on the role of Pancasila as a principle of religious life in Indonesia and its implications for developing inclusive education. The objectives of the article are to examine Gus Dur's perspective on pluralism, inclusivity, and interreligious dialogue, and to analyze the policies and initiatives implemented during his leadership that promoted inclusive religious education. The article employs a literature review methodology with a content analysis approach to explore the relevant literature and scholarly works on Gus Dur's thoughts and the implementation of inclusive education policies. The findings reveal that Gus Dur‘s open vision on Pancasila as state principle and religious life advocated for an inclusive understanding and praxis for Indonesian social and religious life; and in turn, it revealed the importance of inclusivity in religious education. It fostered the development of a generation that is inclusive and tolerant, contributed to harmony and interreligious coexistence in Indonesia, and established a foundation for global openness and respect for human rights. It also helps in overcoming religious conflicts, enriching individual and spiritual lives, and building a society that values diversity and mutual respect.
Gus Dur, Pancasila, inclusive education, religious life, pluralism, interreligious dialogue.
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