ICT as a Didactic Tool to Facilitate the Learning Process in the Subject of Mathematics in Combined Classes

1Senad Orhani, 2Mimoza Kolukaj, 3Fatima Saramati, 4Emir Saramati
1Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Prishtina, Kosovo
2Faculty of Education, University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti”, Prizren, Kosovo
3,4Elementary and Lower Secondary School, “Heronjtë e Lumës”, Prizren, Kosovo
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijirme.2023.v2i5n01


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become a common entity in all aspects of life. The use of ICT has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of almost all forms of endeavor within the learning process. The use of ICT in education lends itself to more learner-centered learning environments, and this often creates some convenience for teachers and students. On the other hand, with the small number of students, schools are facing the merging of several classes led by one teacher. A combined classroom is when students from more than one grade level learn from the same teacher, in the same classroom. Therefore, this study aims to explore the process of integrating ICT into teaching and learning practices in combined classrooms in the subject of mathematics. The study is a qualitative study that focuses on a case of elementary and lower secondary school "River Heroes" in the Republic of Kosovo. In this study, the descriptive survey method was chosen to evaluate teachers' experiences in the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning process in combined classes. The total number of participants in this study was 9 primary school teachers of this school. This particular study used interviews to collect qualitative data. The results of the study show that the use of technology in teaching can be a powerful tool to help students develop their mathematical skills, especially in schools with mixed classes. The results of this study can help the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, Municipal Directorates of Education, school teachers and principals, as well as other interested bodies to design intervention and rehabilitative measures related to the integration of ICT in teaching and learning, especially in combined classes.


Combined class, didactic tool, ICT, learning, mathematics, teaching


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