The Examination of the Values Education through Teachers' Views: Sample of a Secondary School

Fatih Mehmet İLTER
School Principal & Yılmazköy Elemantary School, Aydın, Türkiye


This descriptive research aims to examine the values education in a secondary school via teacher views. The data collection method of the research is mixed method as it includes both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. The study group of the research consists of teachers at a public secondary school in Aydın. Data were collected from 15 teachers by questionnaire and five teachers by interviews. Descriptive analysis such as percentage, frequency and mean of the obtained data were calculated. As for the findings; values education defines as social benefit and moral development. The influence of the parents on values education is more than the influence of media, peers, school or teacher. The type of TV program watched by students, the role model of teachers and the reason for using the internet have influence on the development of values. It has been concluded that the verbal weighted lessons are more effective in the development of the values of the students, and that the goals/acquisitions related to values education cannot be reached at the desired level.


Values education, teachers’ view, descriptive


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