Value and Moral Adaptability in Improving the Quality of Educational Administration Graduate to Face the Challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

1Rispa Ngindana, 2Fairus Shafira Hakim, 3Elin Dian Sulistyowati
1,2,3Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Jl. MT. Haryono 163 Malang


In Indonesia itself, immoral acts, crime, and serious tensions that have occurred recently have made many parents feel sad and worried about their children's mental development and behavior (Kominfo, 2012). Value-oriented education is beneficial in curbing this fissiparous tendency and instilling sentiments of unity and solidarity among people. However, whether we realize it or not, the facts in the field of values education in Indonesia have not yet touched much on empowerment and awareness enlightenment from a global perspective (Primantoro, 2017). On the other hand, value education as a vehicle for awareness of subjective sectarian character values has not yet touched much on universal-objective values (Belen, 2004). Shaping one's character requires the development of traits such as purity, perseverance, faith, sincerity, obedience, fortitude, and humanistic tendencies. Through the educational process, the character is formed, the power of the mind is increased, intelligence is expanded, and a person learns to stand on his own two feet.


Value, Moral, Quality of Educational Administration Graduate, Industrial Revolution 4.0


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