The Role of Perceived Behavior Control in Mediating Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Intention

1Agatha Liney Simamora, 2Andy Pratama Sulistyo
1,2Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya


Indonesia has witnessed a rise in the number of educated unemployed individuals entering the job market since 2020. This study examines the impact of an Entrepreneurship Education Program on entrepreneurial intentions among millennials, with perceived behavior as a mediating variable. The research was conducted in six provinces in Indonesia, specifically on the island of Java, with 557 participants responding to the questionnaires. The study found that the Entrepreneurship Education Program (both Entrepreneurship Education Learning and Entrepreneurship Education Inspiration Tools) had a significant positive effect on entrepreneurial intentions. Additionally, perceived behavior partially mediated this effect. The program enhanced respondents' understanding of various aspects of entrepreneurship, such as attitudes, values, motivation, actions, and practical management skills needed to start a business. Overall, the findings highlight the importance of entrepreneurship education programs in fostering entrepreneurial intentions, especially among the millennial generation.


Entrepreneurship Education Learning; Entrepreneurship Education Inspiration Tools; Entrepreneurial Intention; Perceived Behavioral Control, Millenials


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