The Influence of the Banjar Cultural Environment on Leader-Member Exchange and Its Impact on Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCb) On PTS Lecturers In Banjarmasin

1Diana Hayati, 2Rini Rahmawati
1Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Nasional Banjarmasin
2Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia


The primary goal of this research is to assess the impact of the Banjar cultural environment on leader-member exchanges and, subsequently, on the organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) exhibited by lecturers within private universities in Banjarmasin. To achieve this objective, the study employs quantitative path analysis methods to evaluate the direct and indirect influences of Banjar cultural environment variables, Leader-Member Exchange, and Organizational Civic Behavior. The study's target population comprises permanent lecturers from 12 secondary schools associated with private universities in Banjarmasin. At the same time, the sampling method involves selecting 30% of the total number of lecturers within the University. The research findings indicate that the Banjar cultural environment significantly impacts the relationship between superiors and subordinates, as evidenced by a significance value of 0.000, indicating a strong influence. Moreover, the R Square value of 0.356 in the model summary table suggests that the variable X (Banjar Cultural Environment) contributes to 35.6% of the relationship with Y (Relationship between superiors and subordinates), with the remaining 64.4% influenced by other unexamined variables. Additionally, both variables X (Banjar Cultural Environment) and Y (Relationship between superiors and subordinates) had significance values below 0.05 (0.000 and 0.001, respectively). The R Square value in the model summary table is 0.445, indicating that the combined contribution of variables X and Y to Z amounts to 44.5%, leaving the remaining 54.5% unaccounted for. In conclusion, the research findings suggest that the Banjar cultural environment significantly impacts the relationship between superiors and subordinates, serving as a crucial determinant of leader-member exchange.


Banjar Culture Environment, Leader-Member Exchange, and Organization Citizenship Behavior.



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