Tourist sustainable concept become consideration in countries around the world to reach Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). Development tourist sustainable become base development tourism in utilise nor in enjoy potency natural or environment without ruin it. One form implementation tourist sustainable is development village tourism. Tista Tourism Village is one of them village tourism in Tabanan Regency which implements it development tourism in rural areas going to quality and sustainable, where the community look after their village in a way good and full consciousness, so plan development housing area from investor to fail because not get agreement from society. Community industry growing, awareness public to tourist increase, preservation nature and culture walk in a way significant. A qualitative approach reinforced with focus group discussions was used to determine the implementation of quality and sustainable tourism village management and development as well as the active participation of the community in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of quality and sustainable tourism village development. The results of data analysis are displayed descriptively qualitatively and in the form of instruments for assessing quality and sustainable tourism villages. This research resulting in 7 tourism program implementations quality and sustainable, namely: implementation village tourism attractions, implementation village tourism amenities, implementation village tourism accessibility, implementation village tourism management, implementation human resources at village tourism, implementation business in the village tourism, and implementation village tourism marketing, as well generated instrument evaluation implementation development quality and sustainable tourism.
Tourism Village, Community Participation, Quality Tourism, Sustainable Tourism
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