Financial Technology Issues from Developing Countries Perspective: Role and Challenges a Systematic Literature Review

1Rusdayanti Asma, 2Atma Hayat, 3Asrid Juniar
1,2,3Faculty of Business and Management University of Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin


This article aims to explain the acceptance of the use of financial technology based on the perspective of developing countries. The ease of obtaining financial services has an impact on the development of financial services business from traditional to financial technology based. The development of financial technology has changed the way and attitude of the public in conducting financial transactions. However, the potential benefits of technology-based financial services have not been fully adopted simultaneously, especially in developing countries. This is due to several conditions both related to demographics and socio-culture which result in different perspectives on financial technology. 31 papers were found to be pertinent to the study topic “explain the role and challenges in the adoption of financial technology in developing countries” after 215 asticles had been chosen.


Financial Technology, Developing Countries, Digital Finance


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