The Role of Morality in Religious Moderation and National Defense

1Respati Prajna Vashti, 2Rita Farida Dachlan
1,2Jakarta State Polytechnic & Indonesia


The importance of character for humans is because it guides humans to good behavior and avoids bad behavior. Apart from that, character can regulate and direct humans towards their nature, namely worshiping and obeying God Almighty. Thus, good character can save people from thoughts and actions that can have a negative impact on themselves and other people. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method, because this research will describe the current situation systematically and factually with the aim of analyzing data by describing or illustrating the data that has been collected as a solution to the research problem. Character can save people from thoughts and actions that can have a negative impact on themselves and other people Polytechnic students have implemented moral values well. as many as 90.9% of students understand moral concepts in the campus environment. 90% of students have implemented tolerance as an implementation of religious moderation. Students also believe that tolerance is an implementation in defending the country. Then as many as 63% of students agreed that moral values have a big influence on defending the country. So without moral values it will be difficult to implement religious moderation and defend the country.


Morality, Moderation,Nasional Defense


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