Examination of Application-Based Notary Protocols in Efforts of Intensification and Effectiveness of Supervision by the Regional Supervisory Assembly of Notaries

1Anggraeni Yuko Isnawangsri, 2Pujiyono
1,2Sebelas Maret University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijirme.2023.v2i10n09


The notary profession has essential authority, namely making authentic deeds, which guarantee certainty, order and legal protection in civil law. Deeds made by a notary in minute form must be kept as part of the Notarial Protocol. The existence of the Supervisory Council as a body with the authority to supervise notaries, especially in examining notary protocols, is very central. In order to carry out the guidance and supervision function, the Regional Supervisory Council conducts inspections of Notary Protocols periodically: 1 (one) time in 1 (one) year or at any time deemed necessary. This research is sociological or empirical legal research, researchers want to know how norms related to notary protocols and the authority of the Regional Supervisory Council can be enforced in reality. The large number of notaries who must be supervised and inspected every year in conventional areas certainly requires relatively large human resources and budget support because carrying out notary protocol inspections is done by visiting the notary's office directly. In its implementation, notary protocol inspections in the regions cannot reach all existing notaries. To optimize the performance of existing resources, efforts are being made to intensify them by developing information technology-based applications, namely the Notary Monitoring Electronic Information System (SiEmon).


Notary, protocol examination, notary regional supervisory council, Electronic-Based Government Systems, SiEmon


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