The Effectiveness of the Self-Directed Learning and Discovery Learning Model to Improve Student Independence Learning

1Nurul Umamah, 2Winda Ramadhani S, 3Sumardi, 4Marjono
1,2,3,4Department of History Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Jember, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Self-Directed Learning model and Discovery Learning model in increasing the learning independence of students in historical subjects. The research design used a quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest control group with data analysis techniques using a paired sample T-test. The sample in this study was class X students at SMAN Kalisat Jember. The research instrument uses a measuring tool for student independence, namely in the form of a questionnaire with a rating scale model. The results of the t-test analysis show the average value of students' independent learning with the Self-Directed Learning of 61.36. Meanwhile, the average value of independent learning of students with the Discovery Learning model is 56.03, it shows that the Self-Directed Learning model is more effective in improving students' independent learning with a high effectiveness of 0.88.


Self-Directed Learning, Discovery Learning, Learning Independence


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