The Responsibility of a Notary for the Annulment of an Agreement Deed by the Court

Bella Katrinasari
Mawar Bnrat IV Fajar Indah, Karanganyar, Jawa tengah, 57171


Notaries have significant responsibilities for every action taken in creating authentic deeds. Notaries also often make mistakes that lead to the annulment of the deed by the court due to their negligence. This research has the purpose to examine the responsibilities of a Notary regarding authentic deeds that are annulled by the court and the legal consequences of deeds declared null and void under the law by the court. The purpose of this research is to analyze the legal consequences of deed annulment by the court and the responsibilities of the notary concerning the annulled deed. The method employed in this research is normative legal research, which draws upon literature review with legal materials such as legislation and literature, books, and others to examine the issues in this research.


Notary, responsibility, annulment


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