Cattle Inseminators Profile in Bali Province

1Ni Putu Sarini1, 2Ni Made Paranita Setyani, 3Ni Nyoman Suryani, 4I Wayan Suarna
1Animal Breeding and Biomolecular Lab, Faculty of Animal Husbandry-Udayana University.
2Animal Husbandry Program Study, Animal Husbandry, Maritime Affairs, and Fisheries Faculty,Nusa Cendana University
3,4Animal Nutrition and Feed Lab,Animal Husbandry Faculty-Udayana University 4 Animal Feed and Forages Lab., Animal Husbandry Faculty-Universitas Udayana.


The main focus of the government to improve the production of the livestock sector is to fulfill the population demand for animal protein. One of the Government's efforts is increasing the local livestock population through a program called Upsus Siwab and Sikomandan, which is a special effort for breeding cows mandatory for pregnant. Artificial Insemination (AI) is the technology used for that purpose. The result of this technology depends on several factors including the semen quality used, the condition of the cows (reproductive activity), and the human (cattle breeder and inseminator). This study's aim was to find out the artificial inseminator profile of those programs in Bali. Knowing the importance of inseminator duty, starting from determining the time to do insemination until locating the semen in the reproductive tract of the cow, this study's aim was to find out inseminator characteristics in Bali Province. 86 inseminators in 9 regions and cities in Bali were interviewed using a questionnaire in this study and the questions it was focused on obtaining characteristics of the inseminators including education, age, work experience as an inseminator, the number of professional courses taken, and the number of cows inseminated per day. The data obtained was descriptive and qualitatively analyzed. It can be concluded that the profile of inseminator livestock artificial inseminator program in Bali is characterized by the following parameters such as age was forty-six (46) years, education of thirteen (13) years, work experience as an inseminator of fourteen (14) years, the number of professional courses taken one (1) and the number of cows inseminated per day was 2 cows.


Inseminator, Artificial Insemination, Inseminator profile


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