This research is development research which aims to determine the effectiveness of using e-modules as products that have been developed. Innovation in the form of interactive and innovative e-modules based on life skills is urgently needed considering the development of science and technology and the currents of globalization which have an impact on the field of education, as well as student involvement in active learning, improving skills and being able to solve problems is really needed. This study uses the ADDIE model. Data collection was carried out by means of observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The research samples were three SMA for observation and one school for trials with 32 students. The validation results from the development of interactive and innovative electronic modules show that the electronic modules have met the validation standards of material experts of 96.3% with very good qualifications, validation of linguists reached a percentage of 94% with very good qualifications and validation of design experts reached a percentage of 89% with very good qualifications, and 88% individual user test with very good qualifications. Based on learning outcomes using interactive and innovative e-modules based on life skills can be used as learning resources in schools for students. Evidenced by an increase in student learning outcomes through small group trials using an effectiveness test formula of 80% with high qualifications, and large group trials of 0.78% with high qualifications. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there is an increase in student learning outcomes after using interactive and innovative e-modules based on life skills as a learning resource.
Development, E-Module, Interactive, Innovative, Life Skills, Learning Outcomes
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