The patriarchal culture among the people is still prone to occur. Some communities still have a tendency to distinguish between men and women in terms of rights and certain rituals of worship that seem to override the position of women, especially when pursuing higher education. Whereas Islam has firmly raised the status of women, women want to be equal to men without any difference other than their faith and piety to Allah Swt. There has been a shift in the notion that women are naturally at home as wives and mothers for their children. Women began to voice their rights to be able to take part in external life as the rights obtained by men. This study uses the library method by taking heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography steps. The results of this study indicate that ancient patterns of thought still deviate and need to be removed, especially because of the patriarchal culture still inherent in society. In Shafi'i fiqh women have the same rights as men, especially in education. From a gender perspective, men and women have equal rights in accordance with Islamic guidelines. The role of women is not just taking care of the domestic sector. More than that, women are very influential in the development of civilization. Therefore, pursuing higher education is very feasible for women without worrying about ridicule from the outside as Islam has raised the status of women to a very noble position.
Gender Equality; Shafi’i Jurisprudence; Women’s Education
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