Public Value e-government Implementation: Evidence from Indonesia

1Moch. Lukmanul Hakim, 2Agus Rahayu, 3Eeng Ahman, 4Lili Adi Wibowo
1,2,3,4 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study aims to identify the public value factors of the implementation of e-government in Indonesia from the perspective of government officials. To answer this objective, the results of a literature review from previous studies have been used that have identified six dimensions of public value and their respective factors. Survey data were collected from heads of government agencies in 33 province in Indonesia. The public value model is tested empirically through confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modeling. The results showed that the crucial factors of public value e-government are: (1) increasing the quantity of information and public services ; (2) more responsive government operations ; (3) greater possibility of fairness, honesty, equality ; (4) better political possibilities and innovation ; (5) requesting good information for decision making; and (6) citizens have better access to government information and services. Research related to the public value of egovernment implementation has never been carried out in Indonesia, so this study makes a significant contribution as an initial step in the evaluation and development of e-government in Indonesia.


public value, e-government, public services value, improved administration value, improved social value


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