Cultivating Religious Culture Implementation

1Kukuh Santoso, 2Ani Puspa Rini, 3Syaifuddin
1Islamic education, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia
2SMKN 10 Malang, Indonesia
3Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia


As we all know, the current millennial generation is not surprised by technological sophistication. Children are getting smarter and smarter at using it, but the more open the ease of access to technology, the more worries arise. Technological openness is also accompanied by globalization, in which globalization is an individual or group phenomenon that influences each other in all aspects of life regardless of regional or national boundaries. The ease with which children currently access information (regional and international information) will certainly have an impact on the perspective of the person who consumes the information. It cannot be ensured that all the information that is spread is valid, including information in the religious or religious field. The field of religion or religion is very sensitive to its influence on social life, because it involves the beliefs/beliefs of each individual. Therefore, with the increasing number of information in the field of religion that is spread, it must also be accompanied by the cultivation of religious cultural habits, especially for today's children. The inculcation of this religious culture can be done through institutions, organizations, as well as the habits of daily life in the family and society, as implemented at SMAN 1 Turen. Developments at SMAN 1 Turen are increasing rapidly both in terms of facilities, academic and non-academic achievements, in addition to developments in this regard, it is also accompanied by developments in the inculcation of culture or religious/religious habits in everyday school life. For example, SMAN 1 Turen holds a blessed Friday, recites Al-Kahfi letters and prays dhuha together, and commemorates other Islamic holidays with religious activities. It should be noted that the inculcation of religious/religious culture is not only for SMAN 1 Turen residents who are Muslim, but also held for SMAN 1 Turen residents who are Christian with activities based on their respective beliefs. The implementation of these activities is to instill culture or religious habits in the students of SMAN 1 Turen, so that apart from improving student achievement in academic and non-academic fields which are mundane in nature, it is hoped that students will not be negligent with their God and the successful achievements that students get are a gift from God. In implementing religious activities, the focus of this research is: how is the implementation in instilling religious culture at SMAN 1 Turen, whether the existence of religious culture planting activities at SMAN 1 Turen has a positive impact on students, and the expected output through the implementation of cultural planting religion at SMAN 1 Turen. This study uses a qualitative and descriptive research approach in the form of the type of reading studied. The type of research used is a case study that is carried out in an incentive, detailed, and in-depth manner towards a particular institution, organization, and group. Data collection procedures through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion of the validity of the data using participation, persistence of observation, and, triangulations.


Implementation, Religious Culture, Output


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