Between Modern Store with Franchise Methods and Traditional Market

1Sri Retno Widyorini, 2Yasminingrum
1,2Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang, Indonesia


The positive impact of development in the economic field has a very significant effect on developments in the world of commerce, especially trade using the franchising method. We can see this with the mushrooming of franchise businesses such as Indomart, Alfamart in urban areas and even now they have penetrated into suburban areas. The rapid flow of globalization has triggered a shift in the lifestyle of most people, especially the younger generation, to no longer choose traditional markets as a place to shop. prefer shopping at modern stores such as Indomart, Alfamart etc. which provide facilities and service methods that are more attractive than traditional markets. The management model used by mini market businesses is franchising, you can see that starting from a place of business that has the characteristics of both the same colour and design to the arrangement of goods and even the uniforms of employees who serve customers. The development of the modern shop business with this franchise model will have a significant impact on the development of traditional markets if there is no regulation from the government as the policy maker, especially for the establishment permit. Limiting the number with a clear radius will be able to protect the sustainability of traditional markets, as well as the need for guidance on the development of traditional markets so that between modern markets such as Indomart, Alfamart and others with traditional markets will be able to run and develop in a balanced way.


Modern store, Franchise, Traditional Market


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