Synergy Collaboration of Universities and the Industrial World

1Suparno Suparno, 2Aris Toening Winarni, 3Emiliana Sri Pudjiarti
1,2Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang, Indonesia
3Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang, Indonesia


The aim of this research is to test the management of synergistic collaboration models that can meet the expectations of universities resulting in graduates who have extensive knowledge, build an innovative mindset and are able to respond to the challenges of future lives. Research uses qualitative descriptive methods on the objects of central Java private universities. The results concluded that the collaboration of universities and industries requires intensive communication, knowledge transfer, institutional planning, curriculum adaptation, learning material planning based on the world of work, the division of teaching materials professionally and proportionately to the world of work, provision of R&D collaboration facilities and infrastructure. The development of educational institutions is important, because it prepares the competent next generation in its time, so that the collaboration model is ideal that provides benefits to both parties. Follow-up so that this collaboration can be effective in integrating knowledge resources, the main role of industry-university synergy is the output of quality talent by universities and R&D collaboration. Industry can fully rely on knowledge resources, and universities supply skilled labour and R&D cooperation to achieve synergistic effects. Thus, the industry can solve weak technology problems, improve business units, make technological innovations and management, and further make great progress and gain a leading position in a highly competitive market.


College and Industry Collaboration, Research and Development, Technology, Business.


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