Indonesia's Economic Recovery After Contraction Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic

1Zet Tangiling, 2Daniel Tangdiesu, 3Syaifuddin
1SMPN 2 Numfor Barat, Papua, Indonesia
2SMPN 2 Biak Barat, Papua, Indonesia
3Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia


This study aims to describe the recovery of the Indonesian economy after the contraction of the Covid-19 pandemic. The subjects of this research are Indonesian citizens affected by Covid-19. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The results of this study are that the Covid -19 Pandemic greatly affected the Indonesian economy in 2020. This pandemic resulted in a decline in all components of gross domestic product (GDP) except for government consumption expenditure. The gross domestic product (GDP) component has experienced a decline and even a contraction due to the Covid-19 pandemic that entered Indonesia so that Indonesia's economic growth is included in the crisis category.


Covid-19, Economy, Contraction


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