On Fractional Integral Inequalities Involving Riemann-Liouville Operators

1Kalpana Rajput, 2Rajshreemishra, 3D.K. Jain, 4Farooq Ahmad, 5Peer Javaid Ahmad
1Research Scholar Department of SOMAAS, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. 474001
2Department of Mathematics, Government Model Science College, Gwalior Madhya Pradesh India, 474009
3Department of Engineering Mathematics Computing, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science., Gwalior Madhya Pradesh India, 474005.
4Department of Mathematics, Government College for Women Nawakadal., Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, 190002
5Department of Statistics, Government College for Women Nawakadal., Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, 190002


Here, we seek to prove some novel fractional integral inequalities for synchronous functions connected to the Chebyshev functional, involving the Gauss hypergeometric function. The final section presents a number of special instances as fractional integral inequalities involving Riemann-Liouville type fractional integral operators. Additionally, we take into account their applicability to other relevant, previous findings.


Fractional Integral Inequalities & Riemann-Liouville Operators


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