Teacher Directions to Bring Out Students 'Mathematic Communication Skills

1Syaifuddin, 2Abdul Halim Fathani
1,2Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia


This article describes the direction of the teacher to bring up students' mathematical communication skills when solving mathematical problems. The data is generated from direct observation of the actions of the research subjects when bringing up students' mathematical communication skills in solving math problems. Subjects in this study were mathematics teachers who had the ability to provide direction to students so that students had mathematical communication skills. In this study, 2 different characteristics were found when the teacher gave directions to students. First, the teacher's actions are in the form of giving directions to students to write down the questions given in their own language, giving directions to students to write down ideas with mathematical operations and mathematical procedures appropriately, giving directions to students to draw their ideas with pictures and lines, giving directions to students to re-examine the results obtained from the problem. Second, the teacher's actions are in the form of giving directions to students to write down what is known and what is asked in the problem, giving directions to students to write down ideas with mathematical operations and proper mathematical procedures, giving directions to students to draw their ideas with pictures and lines.


Teacher's Direction, Mathematical Communication Skills, Math Problems


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