Determinants of Stock Investment Decisions of Investor in Environmental Wetlands

1Redawati, 2Meina Wulansari Yusniar, 3M. Zainal Abidin, 4Doni Stiadi ,5Antung Wanda Fauziah, 6Nina Nur Damayanti
1,2,3,4,5,6Lambung Mangkurat University


This study aims to examine the determinants of investment decisions of stock investors in wetland environments. Investment is an activity of investing funds or capital in other parties, either directly or indirectly with the hope that the owner of the capital will get a number of benefits from the results of investing the funds or capital. There are several factors that influence investment decisions including financial literacy, Risk Perception, Financial Experience and Herding. This study uses a quantitative research approach. The population in this study are the investors in the Wetland Environment, with a sample of 122 investors who fit the predetermined criteria. The sample sampling technique in this study used non- probability sampling. The data that used in the study are primary data, with the data collection method in the form of a questionnaire distributed using google form. The data analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis by first conducting a validity test, reliability test, and classical assumption test. The results found that Financial Literacy, Financial Experience and Herding behaviour have a positive effect on Investment Decisions, while Risk Perception has no effect on investment decisions.


Financial Behaviour, Financial Literacy, Financial Experience, Risk Perception, Herding behaviour and Investment Decision.


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